Understanding Male Or Female Pattern Baldness

Male Or Female Pattern Baldness

While the general impression about hair loss is that it affects males more than females, research on the subject and scientific pieces of evidence reveal that an increasing number of females are also battling hair loss. Genetics has a key role to play in hair loss in both genders.

Male pattern baldness is one of the most common types of hair thinning and balding that affects men. Male hormone androgen and genetics are responsible for this type of baldness in men. A similar type of hair loss is seen in women also. In female pattern baldness, the effect is generally less severe when compared to males.

Male or female pattern baldness is medically termed as androgenetic alopecia.

Male pattern hair loss is characterized by hair loss on the top and front of the head resulting in a steadily declining hairline. In female pattern baldness, the thinning of hair begins from the mid-frontal area of the scalp and spreads throughout the top of the scalp. The hair in the front of the scalp remains intact in most cases.

Male or female pattern baldness is easy to identify as hair loss and thinning happens in a specific pattern.

In male-pattern baldness, androgens which are hormones related to testosterone shorten the normal growth phase of hair follicles. This results in creation of ‘miniaturized’ versions of hair shafts that are short and thin. While it is an accepted fact that genetics plays a key role in male pattern baldness, research is still on to find out why it affects some men while sparing others.

Genetics also appears to be responsible to a large extent for the development of female pattern baldness although other factors may also trigger the condition.

The Symptoms

• Androgenetic alopecia is characterized by thinning of hair from the crown and front areas of the scalp in a gradual manner.
• In men, as the hairline recedes, the front of the scalp develops an M-shape
• In women, hair loss due to female pattern baldness is more diffused and it may take a longer time for the thinning pattern to emerge.

The Diagnosis

Men and women suffering from constant hair loss must visit a qualified trichologist to know the precise reasons for their condition.
• Hair experts diagnose androgenetic alopecia by taking a close look at the scalp for detecting a pattern in hair thinning.
• A blood test may also be needed to detect any changes in hormone levels or to find out if there are any underlying causes such as thyroid issues.
• A blood test is also done to check for an iron deficiency which may also be a causative factor for hair loss.

With advancements in hair restoration technology, there are medications now available for treating male or female pattern baldness.

Minoxidil is a proven hair restorative treatment that is being used all over the world to help men and women regain hair and enjoy a healthy and fuller look on their mane. You can consult your hair therapist to know more about Minoxidil and how to use it for maximizing the benefits.

Her contributions on several hair care forums and blogs attract a huge number of readers because they find her solutions effective and simple. Scott has started sharing her expertise on Hairlossly also now.

Checklist For Natural Hair Care

It is not all that difficult to keep your hair healthy. A well-nourished scalp can lead to great-looking hair and prevent its falling and thinning.


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