3 Effective Treatments for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Hair Loss

Do your friends often mock you for being more like a male? You may carry a slight moustache or even have dark facial hair. Embarrassing, right? In fact, you may notice excess hair on the entire body. Sometimes you wonder, “am I a man trapped inside a woman’s body?”


You are definitely a female – beautiful, delicate yet strong, and nurturing. There’s nothing wrong with you, except that your hormones are playing high.

To be precise, these are male hormones. Every woman has a certain amount of testosterone (male hormone). When they become imbalanced, you often experience Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS.

It leads to an array of symptoms like hirsutism, which is characterized by excess body and facial hair. It can cause hair loss too.

Ironical, isn’t it?

On some females, PCOS causes excess hair growth, while in others it causes hair loss!

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) hair loss is commonly called female pattern baldness.

How does this happen?

A female body produces androgens, which are male hormones, including testosterone. The hormones are important for the onset of puberty and to trigger hair growth in the pubic area and underarms.

However, in case of PCOS, the body produces excessive androgens. This leads to virilization, which is characterized by the development of more defined masculine traits in a female. This includes excess hair on areas where females usually do not show hair growth. The areas are face, chest, neck, and abdomen.

The excess androgens also affect follicle function. Women suffering from PCOS often display thinning of hair on the frontal scalp area. Experts identify it as female pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia.

Can you reverse this condition?

Not on its own.

You require appropriate treatment to stimulate new hair growth, say experts.

Treatments for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) hair loss

PCOS is a result of hormonal imbalance. So, it is important to undergo hormone regulation therapy. Doctors prescribe medications for this.

It is found that women usually respond to a combo of drugs in this case. What may work for somebody else may or may not work for you.

1. Birth control pills or oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives lower the levels of androgens. This, in turn, can help to reduce hair loss. The pills also help in other symptoms of PCOS, such as acne and irregular menstrual cycles. Doctors usually combine the pills with anti-androgen drug for better results.

You can consult a gynecologist in this regard.

2. Minoxidil

Minoxidil is a well-known hair growth treatment. It is the sole FDA-approved drug to be used in hair growth products. The drug is famous for its sheer effectiveness.

Discuss with your doctor and hair expert about the use of minoxidil.

Nowadays, you can easily get minoxidil-infused hair regrowth systems from reputable brands like Keranique. The benefit with Keranique is that it is exclusively designed for women’s hair loss condition.

3. Taking zinc and biotin supplements

Use shampoos that contain botanical extracts, vitamins, and minerals. Good hair loss shampoos feature DHT blockers, zinc, and biotin in their formulations. Consult a doctor for supplements and their doses. Studies show that zine and biotin supplements help to promote hair growth.

The recommendations of Robert, a reputed writer specializing in hair care solutions, has helped many women, and men, manage their hair loss and thinning problems better. He is an avid reader too and keeps track of all the developments happening in the hair care industry.

Checklist For Natural Hair Care

It is not all that difficult to keep your hair healthy. A well-nourished scalp can lead to great-looking hair and prevent its falling and thinning.


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